The people have spoken…
Robot Overlords
I will still not allow politics or cream shirts or cat butts.
*This Derby begins MONDAY December 7th at 8pm, CST. & ends MONDAY December 14h at 8pm, CST. The three winning designs will be featured as the Daily offers Tuesday-Thursday. Great designs that don’t win may be included in an Editor’s Choice sale on Friday, so be sure to check back and see who makes the cut!
Please be sure to have your artwork ready to submit with your entry as part of the new submission process!
If you want to submit any off-topic designs, submit here!
If you are new to the derby and want to participate, WELCOME! Also, in addition to the rules above please check out our content guidelines here so you know what works and what doesn’t over here at Woot!
You can also download updated templates for your artwork over here . Happy designing
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Hey, @Lady5tark, would you mind including a link to the page(s) so I can convince a relative or two to vote when the time comes? They won’t be able to find it unless I send it…
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@Lady5tark I vote for Winter Getaways. I’ve got a killer idea entitled “Winter Wonderland During a Blizzard.” Those that have seen it have lovingly described it as “too snowy”, which will be perfect in this derby!
Sure, but I’d have to find them myself first…hang on
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No politics - is this a political party ban only, or would it also extend to “voting” or “revolution” inspired designs? I just want to narrow down my ideas. If it does, I’ll still work these up and sub the idea directly, but I’d need a backup idea if not. I’m just assuming it’ll be robots at this point. Robots rule - or at least, they WILL.
(See 22 seconds in… and 35 seconds)
Definitely in for robots.
Just make a design that covers both!

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I could accept revolution or voting designs.
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Cool, cool. So it looks like my plan for a robot revolution can proceed on schedule… I mean, MY SHIRT.
If robots are picked, are cyborgs fair game?
How do we feel about “Scenes from a post Sky-net induced nuclear winter”? Seems like it could work for both themes. Or does it sound too snowy?