Vacuuming is a chore. The V15 with the detect feature makes it much less of one. I get in competitions: “I’ll quit when I get 100 million particle count.” “Don’t even bother taking it off the wall unless I am going for 10 million.” Ok, Saturday is a cleaning day - “lets see if I can get over a billion count.”
You’d be surprised how much crud accumulates in your dwelling space.
Parts are always out of stock
This is a great deal for a $700 vacuum. I bought one and received it already. It looks like a new unit and works extremely well. I’m happy with my purchase. I am still deciding if I want to buy the extended warranty.
Got it last time it was on sale. It’s does a great job but the price tag isn’t cheap even at 350$.
Cordless is nicer than I thought it would be and the animal screw is amazing at cleaning our couch (we have four pets)
How can I tell if this comes with the newer fluffy head? The description says “laser slim” fluffy head but the parts list says “fluffy optic?”
Hello. From the vendor, it will come with two heads:
- Laser Slim Fluffy cleaner head
- De-tangling Digital Motorbar ™ cleaner head
Have one we got new from Dyson during the holiday sales last year - best vacuum we’ve ever had. Picking up one of these is a bargain. I haven’t decided if I’m going to dual-wield them or give it to my Dad.
Just got mine, dust counter doesn’t work so the auto mode doesn’t function. Just low and boost.
well that’s not good. Please reach out to Woot! Customer Service. To speed things up, let them know if you prefer a return/refund or a replacement (if possible).
Please allow 24-48h for them to respond.
Browser: Use the Woot! Customer Service form.
Woot! App: Choose Account from the bottom navigation and then Support.
Self-Return: Items without Li-Ion batteries can be self-returned within 30 days. Go to your Order Details to get started. The return label will be emailed from UPS.
Note: Woot! Customer Service replies go to the email address on your Woot! account, not your Amazon login email if used/different.