we need someplace to post gifs and be generally weird!
so here it is!!
we need someplace to post gifs and be generally weird!
so here it is!!
I agree!
welcome Skeetbullets!
Thank you cklun
glad you crossed over safely! lots to explore. Have fun!
Testing reply fix.
Yay thank you @ThunderThighs or @wajeremy or whoever fixed it!
It was teamwork. I found it and @ThunderThighs fixed it.
Can I get a amen!
SMan! YOU MADE IT!! Congrats!
Yes I did. And on my phone!
Hello all ! Ithought this new stuff was to take place Thursday. Am I wrong?
Hey LL! Glad you made it! The idea was to hopefully start getting things moved over today…to much to move it will all take a few days
It’s Thursday somewhere!
so true!
I was going to copy my pm’s tonite. Can I still do that?
Oh so sorry LL…I don’t think there is any going back now…