Prime Exclusive: 10% off on the Woot! app on 6/24/21


On June 24, 2021, Prime members get an additional 10% OFF any order placed on the Woot! app! Don’t have the Woot! app? Just go here:



NOTE: If you don’t see the shipping update on the order page, look for a “Use this address” button and tap/click that. The order page will finish loading and shipping will update.

Restrictions and fine print:

  • Offer valid for Prime members with a mailing address in the contiguous United States.
  • Does not apply to international orders.
  • You must use “Login with Amazon” and log in with a valid Amazon Prime account.
  • Log out of Woot! and re-login with Amazon for best results.
  • Discount applied at checkout.
  • If you don’t see the discount, look for a “Use this address?” button and tap that. Everything will update and you’ll see the discount applied.
  • Maximum discount of $20 per order.
  • Offer valid from June 24, 2021 at 12:00am CT until June 24, 2021 at 11:59pm CT.

10% off. That’s almost 11% off.



I can hardly contain my excitement at that.


Almost like tax free


Tax free and 1%. WootWoot.


Wait… 10% and 11% make 21%, right? :slight_smile:

I followed the instructions and loaded the woot app. I logged in with my Amazon prime account and NO discount when I added the CyberPower 1350VA to the cart. They even charged shipping. I’ll pass and please remove the 10% comment cause it doesn’t work

The discount won’t show up until the checkout page. If you still don’t see it, look to see if there’s a blue box asking you to confirm your address. Tap on it and the discount and free shipping should show up.

(Please note: I don’t work for Woot, I just volunteer to help out here on the forums.)

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You need to confirm your shipping address, then it recalculates all the discounts and free shipping. You stopped prematurely.

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You would think that Woot! could just put a small banner reminding prime members to confirm their shipping addresses before any discounts will be automatically applied. This really frustrates so many novice buyers. Then they get huffy and start ranting that they’ll never buy from here again…

They can’t do it on the widget itself since that’s run by Amazon. They did put it at the top of this post and they could do that banner but I’m not sure how many people really read that stuff.



season 10 episode 22 GIF

It’s easy to overlook things. I do it way more often than I would care to admit. :slight_smile:

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Yes, but many of us would just ask what we did wrong and then go back and do it correctly… or not worry about it. If people were to put as much effort into finding out why it didn’t work as they do to complain about it, the world would be a happier place.

Then they could also just focus on complaining about their BOCs as they’re supposed to…

And why are you still up? Go to bed!

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I tried. It didn’t work. I’ll try again in a few minutes.

You go to bed, too. Unless it’s morning where you are then… eh, still go back to bed. :smiley:



Mine will flash with a blue banner that says to confirm the address. But it’s usually right before it refreshes on its own. I did manage to snag a screenshot once.

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That’s true. It does do that. But if you’re a nervous buyer and expecting to see discounts right away, it just doesn’t matter.

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Yeah. All those directions aren’t reassuring at all are they?

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