So, I was wondering about shipping to Alaska. I’ve been a Woot! customer for years, and recently moved to Alaska, I know that Woot! is owned by Amazon and Amazon Prime ships free to Alaska, there’s an Amazon warehouse in Anchorage, and now an Amazon shipping hub in Fairbanks with daily flights. So with all this considered, is it a possibility that Woot! will some day in the future ship to Alaska? I am aware that they will ship shirts, but I would like to buy other items and not have to try to have a friend in the lower 48 ship it up here for me. Thanks!
Hi there. We do look at the busiesns cases for shipping to AK & HI. I’m guessing we’ll over shipping to thoset two states when it’s viable for us.
Maybe you could have an English-speaking friend edit that for you so it makes sense. I’m a lifelong Alaskan and also do not understand why you would not ship Woot items to our great state, considering we already receive Prime shipping. What’s the logic? Why are we cut out of the Woot deals?
She does speak English.
We non-n00bs know…
…but I gotta say, TT’s post there could def use an edit.
In it’s current state, it makes it appear TT may not speak English, I’m afraid.
It’s ALMOST English!
She made a couple of typos and it’s obvious what she meant to write. I bet even you make mistakes you don’t catch, especially when typing on a phone. There’s no need to be rude.
As for shipping, I have no idea but I’m guessing it costs more to ship up there which can throw off their free or flat-rate shipping prices, but I could be wrong.
(Please note: I don’t work for Woot, I just volunteer to help out here on the forums.)
That’s what happens when I post from my phone or iPad. Sigh.
Wouldn’t it be easier for OP to move to the US?
Optimus Prime?
(Thought he lived here already)
Has there been any update on this? Every time I try to order from Woot it won’t ship to AK. It’s really frustrating considering I have prime and can order the exact same item from there without issue.
Sorry, no update. We still do not ship to AK and HI.
We are in the same boat too, long time Woot!'rs and Prime members, who recently moved back to Alaska.
Do you suppose you could start shipping to Alaska now?
Sorry, no plans at this time.