I donât even care that they are selling an illegal device⌠but it this system sucks it up so bad it just should be banned for that reason.
How does one report an item for sale on Woot? That is would should occur and it should be taken down!
I would just stay away from buying this, its not that hard anymore to get the original nes classic, stores have them in stock right now and they only cost 20 bucks more. If you want to be a you can hack it yourself, I personally own all my nes games that I have roms for, usually only use rom hacks for translations for famicom games, but I do
arcade roms to play on original hardware, not just because of the cost, but certain boards tend to fail easily and they take up a lot of room.
Right. Sell it for $5 as a novelty, maybe.
The wife bought one of these. Itâs a joke. There are 600 options but several are just duplicate and triplicate of maybe 150 different games. Put another way. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS ITEM.
Hey woot, I have an idea for a company. I am going to call it âwootwootâ, and wholly owned subsidiary of âAMAZ0Nâ. It will be a bi-daily deal site. Can you get me a quick okay from your legal counsel? I assume it shouldnât be a problem.
I get that you guys know you arenât going to get in trouble for selling this thing. The issue is with the manufacture as it isnât a direct counterfeit. Doesnât make you any less shady trying to make a quick buck on something you know is wrong.
Yes offense, but I like how admin is addressing the name calling instead of the item itself.
So, Woot staff has posted two comments in this thread already, and theyâve conspicuously avoided the most obvious issue being presented â that the product violates copyright on a large number of games. Why no comment on this? Woot, can you give evidence to clarify that titles in the list like âSpace Invadersâ, âRobocopâ, âRampageâ, âCyberballâ etc have been properly licensed? Or alternatively can you clarify why youâve chosen to continue selling this despite being unable to verify that itâs legal?
Iâm loving all the AstroTurf getting laid down in this thread.
How has this NOT sold out yet??? ooohhh
Real AstroTurf or just synthetic grass?
Iâm not sure AstroTurf is the correct term here, as I doubt anyone is being paid to be supportive of preventing IP theft. More people speaking up against these practices will hopefully lead to an end of them, much in the same way boycotting county fairs because ride maintenance and sideshow animal care need to be improved eventually leads to positive change.
Help prevent Woot! from becoming the county fair of sale sites; protest the tolerance of IP theft.
Youâre right, itâs just synthetic grass. And some of Gennâs relatives I imagine.
Insert inside joke about air bubble mailers here.
Judging by the game list posted above the IP theft isnât just from NintendoâŚ
Good point, though it seems that nobody is going to take this seriously, and just throw shade.
600 games list | ||||
1942 | Climbing | Helicopter | NinjaGaiden3 | Spelunker |
100mDush | CloseQuarters | HelloKitty | NinjaKun | SpiderMan |
10YardFight | CluCluLand | Hexapod | NoahsArk | Spiderman2 |
110mHurdles | CoastGuard | HexapodWar | NutCracky | Spiderman3 |
4Mahjong | Colliding | HitMouse | NutsMilk | SpringWorld |
80Days | Contest | HomeAlone | ObakeNoQTarou | SpyVsSpy |
8Eyes | Contra24in1 | HotBloodBasketball | Octopus | Sqoon |
AbarenbouTengu | ContraForce | HotBloodHighSchool | OnyankoTown | Squee |
Abscondee | CookiesLabyrinth | HotBloodIceHockey | OptimusMinor | StackUp |
AdventureIsland | Corridor | HotBloodMarch | Othello | Star |
AdventureIsland2 | Crash | HotBloodNewRecord | OverHorizon | StarFighter |
AdventureIsland3 | CrazyCoonsInCloudLand | HotBloodSoccer | PachiCom | StarForce |
AdventureIsland4 | Crisis | HotBloodSoccer1 | PacLand | StarGate |
AdventuresOfLolo | CrossFire | HotBloodStory | PacMan | StarLuster |
AdventuresOflolo2 | CrystalBlast | HotBloodVolleyball | PacMan3 | StarWars |
Aether | CubAdventure | HotBloodWrestle | Pacmania | Strafe |
AetherCruiser | Cyberball | Hydlide | PacPacland | StreetFighter2010 |
AetherMission | DangerBridge | HyperOlympic | PanicRestaurant | StreetFighterVI12P |
AimCruise | DeadFox | HyperSports | PanzerAttack | StubGame |
Aimless | Defender2 | IceClimber | PanzerFlyCar | Submarine |
Air | Deflower | IceHockey | Paperboy | SuperChinese |
AirAlert | Deformable | IceOcean | ParallelWorld | SuperContra |
AirialHero | Dejectile | IgoMeikan | Parodius | SuperContra7 |
Airway | Destroyi | IgoShinan | Pathway | SuperContra8 |
Aladdin3 | DevilWorld | Ikki | PeekABooPoker | SuperMarioBros |
AliceCooper | Diamond | Infiltrator | PeeparTime | SuperMarioBros2 |
Alien3 | Difference | IqChampion | PenguinKunWars | SuperMarioBros3 |
AngryBird | DigDug | Island | PentaBase | SuperSprint |
AngryBird2 | DigDug2 | IsolatedWarrior | Pillar | SuperTurrican |
AngryBird3 | DiscusPut | Javelin | Pinball | SuperXevious |
AngryMarionao | DonaldMagic | Jewelry | PinballII | SuperXWing |
AnimalBlockes | DonkeyKong | Joust | Pindable | SurfaceFire |
AnimalContest | DonkeyKong3 | JumpingKid | PizzaBoy | SurfgSport |
AntarcticAdventure | DonkeyKongJr | JumpJump | PlantsVsZomb | Tactful |
Antiquarium | DonkeyKongJrMath | kamikaze | PocketMonster | TagTeamProWrestling |
Aquarium | DoorDoor | kamikaze2 | Poker | TagTeamWrestling |
Arabian | DoraBros | kamikaze3 | PokerAv | TankA1990 |
Archery | DoraeBomb | Karateka | PoliceDog | Teletubbies |
Arena | DoubleDragon | Karnov | PoliceVsThief | Tennis |
Argus | DoubleDragon2 | KeroKeroKeroppi | Polk | Tetris2 |
Arkanoid | DoubleDragon3 | KingofFighters99 | PongPong | TetrisFlash |
AsmikKunLand | DoubleDragon4 | Klax | Pooyan | TheArcher |
Assart | DoughBoy | KungFu | Popeye | TheFarmer |
AstroFangSuperMachine | Dragon | Labyrinth | popeyeJ | TheLastNinja |
AstroRoboSasa | DragonFighter | Ladangel | Porter | TheLegendOfKage |
Astyanax | DrMario | LatticeWinner | PowerBlade | TheLegendOfKhresna |
AVPoker | Duck | legacyofthewizard | PowerBlade2 | ThePenguinSeal |
AwfulRushing | DuneWar | LevinAction | PowerRobot | ThePunisher |
Babel | EggContest | Lightning | ProbotectorII | TheRenStimpyShow |
BabelnoTou | EigoAsobi | Link | ProjectDoom | TheTerminator |
Backstroke | ElevatorAction | LittleRedHood | ProWrestling | Thexder |
BadDudes | Escapeway | LittleWitch | Pulveration | ThroughMan |
Badminton | Excitebike | LodeRunner | Puzzle | TimeZone |
BalloonFight | ExciteMarioBros | LodeRunner2 | Pyramid | TinyToon |
BalloonMario | ExedExes | LongJump | Quarth | TinyToon2 |
BalloonShoot | Exerion | LotLot | QuestofKi | TinyToon3CrazyCastle |
Baltron | F1Race | LuckyBall | RabbitVillage | TinyToon4 |
Banana | F1Sensation | LuigiAndTheChristmasQue | RaidonBungelingBay | TinyToonAdventures |
BaseBall | FairyâsTreasure | LuigiAndTheNewQuest | Rampage | ToadInTheHole |
BaseWars | FallingBlocks | LunarBall | RBIBaseball | TodosContraTCHECO |
Batman | FamilyJockey | Lunarian | RBIBaseball2 | TokkyuuShireiSolbrain |
Battle | FamilyStadium87 | LunarPool | RBIBaseball3 | TomJerry |
BattleBeasts | FamilyTennis | Lunation | RescueKuck | TomSawyerNoBouken |
BattleCity | FantasyZone | LupinSansei | Resistant | TopGolf |
BattleCity2 | FatedPirate | MachRider | RikiKunio | TopGunDualFighters |
Beankids | FelixTheCat | Macross | RingKing | TotallyRad |
Benthal | FieldCombat | MadXmas | RiverCityBrawl | ToTo |
BinaryLand | Fifa2006 | MagicBubble | RiverJump | Tower |
BirdFighter | FinalBlood | MagicEgg | Roadblas | TowerofDruaga |
BirdWeek | FinalMission | MagicJony | RoadFighter | ToxicCrusaders |
BlackWhiteChess | FinalyLand | MagicMatheMatic | RoadRunner | ToyFactory |
Blink3 | FireBase | Magmax | RoadWorker | ToyStory |
BlinkUltraHard | FireBird | Mahjong | Robocop | Transmission |
BlobBuster | FireDragon | MakingLove | Robocop2 | TripleJump |
BlobMuncher | FirstDefender | Maluex | Robocop3 | TrumpTank |
BlockPuzzle | FishingChallenge | Mappy | Robocop4 | Turtle1 |
BlocksWorld | FishStory | MappyLand | RockinKats | TurtleFighter |
BlueShadow | FishWar | Mario10 | Rockman3 | Turtles2 |
BokosukaWars | FiveChess | Mario14 | Rockman5 | Turtles3 |
BomberMan | FiveDays | Mario16 | RockânâBall | TwinBee |
BomberMario | Flappy | Mario6 | RollerbladeRacer | TwinBoar |
BombSweeper | FlingBall | Mario9 | Rollergames | TwinCards |
Bounce | Flipull | MarioBros | RollingThunder | TwinCobra |
BoxWorld | ForestKid | MarioInSpace | Route16Turbo | UfoRace |
BreastStroke | FormationZ | MarioisMissing | RumbleAndFrenzy | UltimateBasketball |
BrotherBall | FranticMouse | MarioRunner | RuralGoblin | UnderseaArena |
BrushRoller | Freestyle | MarioâsTimeMachine | Salver | UrbanChampion |
Bubble | FrontLine | Mars | SanmaNoMeiTantei | UtmostWarfare |
BubbleBobblePart2 | Fruitdish | MaskedMan | SansuuAsobi | ValkyrieNoBouken |
BuckyOâHare | FruitGift | McKids | Scoring | Vigilant |
BugCatcher | Galaga | Meccano | Seamaid | Vindicators |
BugsBunnyBirthdayBlowou | GalagaPlus | MechanizedAttack | SeaportGuarl | Volguard2 |
BuraiFighter | Galaxian | MendelPalace | SeaWar | Volleyball |
Burbles | GalaxyPatrol | MetroCross | SeaWolf | WackyRaces |
BurgerTime | Galg | MetroMenia | SecretTies | WaganLand |
BurrowExplorer | Gallagant | MickeysSafariInLetterla | Seething | Warpman |
BusyBar | Gate | MightyBombJack | Seicross | WarZone |
ButterflyStroke | Gauntlet | MightyFinalFight | ShatterHand | WaterPipe |
BWings | Geimos | Millipede | ShotPut | WaynesWorld |
CandyWorkshop | Ghostbusters2 | Miner1 | SilentHunter | Werewolf |
Cannonade | GhostCastle | MirrorDevilWord | SilkWorm | WhereâsWaldo |
CaptainAmerican | Giabbit | MissionImpossible | SkyDestroyer | WhompEm |
CaptainPlanetandthePlan | GlommyChess | MitsumeGaTooru | SkyDreamer | Widget |
CardCaptorSakura | GoalKeeper | MonsterInMyPocket | SkyInvader | WildWorm |
CavemanNinja | GobletTower | MortalKombatIV | SkyKid | Wizzy |
ChacknPop | GoldenBird | Motoboat | SlackMan | WonderBall |
Challenger | GoldMedalChallenge92 | MouseSnare | Slalom | WorldChamp |
Chess | Golf | MoveBox | SmallDinosaur | WorldCup |
ChineseChess | Gomoku | Mowing | SmallMario | WorldCupSoccer |
ChipDale1 | Goodhand | MsPacMan | SmashTv | WreckingCrew |
ChipDale2 | Gradirs | Muscle | Snowball | Wrestle |
ChipDale3 | Gradius | MusicMoment | SnowBros | Wurm |
ChubbyCherub | Greeds | NadiaSecretoftheBlueWat | Soccer | Xevious |
ChuDaD | GuerrillaWar | Naitou9DanShougiHiden | Sodoku | XMen2 |
CircleRacing | Gyrodine | NewZealandStory | Soldier | YieArKungFu |
CircusCharlie | Gyromite | Nibbles | Sonic | YoshiHashCookie |
CircusMario | Hallihoo | NightArrow | SonSon | YoshiâsCookie |
CityConnection | HammerAndNail | Ninja2 | SpaceBase | ZippyRace |
Ckaaan18 | HappyMatch | Ninja3 | SpaceInvaders | ZombieNation |
Cliffhanger | Hassle | NinjaGaiden2 | SpartanX | Zoom |

Help prevent Woot! from becoming the county fair of sale sites
I really like going to the County Fair.
Iâve even won blue ribbons for my vegetables.
YAY for going to your local County Fair!