Stanley 65pc 1/4” and 3/8” Mechanic’s Set

Looks like a good set, but is it a good price?

Got one for myself. No more. They stanley products I have got from woot! are sealed yet out of innerds of the case. A few have been missing pieces. I blame stanley though.

You have been warned.

Got this set from an earlier Woot back during the summer. If you are planning on using these everyday you might look elsewhere but for stuff around the house, these tools are great and you can’t beat the price.

Note: Pricing info has been reposted here for future reference, because it is generally no longer available elsewhere once we’ve moved onto the next Woot.

Stanley 65pc 1/4” & 3/8” Mechanic’s Set
$19.99 + $5 shipping
condition: New
product(s): 1 65pc 1/4” & 3/8” Mechanic’s Set

Metric + case = In for 1


Did the woot gods do anything about the missing pieces?

is this worth it for the price?

[QUOTE=tumbenhaur, post:2, topic:113977]
Looks like a good set, but is it a good price?

A good price???!!! Not really, but not bad as opposed to the store.

If I still had a motorcycle, I’d be all over this.

If I had had this, I would still have a motorcycle.


For $25 this seems like a decent deal, not great tools… but they should be fine unless you want them to last for decades. I think most of the complaints are from improper use of the tools. Don’t expect this to be a $200 set.

stanley isn’t a bad set but i tend to trust a name like craftsman and mac or snap-on a little bit more. but they do come with a lifetime warranty. only problem…where do you go to get a new one??? craftsman you go right to sears and no question or problems, with hand tools that is…

got one last time they offered it. Great for what it is. Homeowner set. Around the house, shade tree mechanic set. Wont holdup to heavy duty everyday autoshop use. But for 9 out of 10 people it will be prefect.

[QUOTE=Spacemonkey6401, post:7, topic:113977]
Did the woot gods do anything about the missing pieces?

First joke email about put them in the place. The missing pieces, Yes, All has been corrected. Now have extra pieces :slight_smile:

Quick and easy customer support.

craftsman are my favorite. But depending where you are there should be a place to ship. For myself It’s NC. They also reinburse the shipping charges, Well If you get loud.

Craftsman,Mac, & Snap-on would cost $200-$300 for a set like this.
This set is listed for $49 and up elsewhere. If your a pro, don’t get them but for most of the rest of us, they will work just fine

Thanks, in for one.

BTW, the ones offered in the wootoff:
One a 20 piece- 9.99- around 650 of them
The other 22 piece- 7.99- 20 of them, and they included screwdrivers as “pieces”
This is a 65 piece item, no screwdrivers. They sell them 12 for penny, with thoughts of two for a new shiny penny.

I purchased everything or a sponser has during the woot-off. Only missed the wizard and the 20 question kids game, I so wanted that.

Maybe next time

“manufactured globally” = made in China = does not last = breaks when you use it

If you buy “disposable” tools, do you care about the price?

if you pay $200-$300 for a set like this in craftsman you were definitely taken. a set like this would be about 50 bucks in craftsman, no more. mac and snap-on would be more but thats why i stick with craftsman.