On December 12, 2024, get an additional 10% OFF any order placed on the Woot! app! This is open to everyone, not just Prime members. Don’t have the Woot! app? Just go here:
NOTE : If you’re a Prime member and you don’t see the shipping update on the order page, look for a “Use this address” button and tap/click that. The order page will finish loading and shipping will update.
Restrictions and fine print:
Does not apply to international orders.
Maximum discount of $20 per order.
Offer valid from December 12, 2024 at 12:00am CT until December 12, 2024 at 11:59pm CT.
The discount is shown on the final order screen that displays the button.
Discount shows on the page with the “PLACE ORDER” button only.
No discount is shown before this page.
I had 2 items, but only gave discount for 1 item. So i just did each separate to get deal. No where near the $20 limit at only $1.30 off each ($13 item) for $2.60 total off. Not sure where the issue was.
It’s only taking it off the highest priced item. And if you have multiples of an item it only counts as 1 item. So 3$10 items is only a $1 discount instead of $3. I really don’t want to place 6 different orders.
I had same issue. 2 items in cart, only gave the discount on 1 (the lesser of the two).
Had to make 2 different purchases, each of 1 item.
1 item was $49.99, the other was $19.99. Nowhere near the $20 limit for discount. On the first order attempt (with both items in cart) I was only being given a $2 discount.
(during the 2nd checkout, decided not to get the $19.99 item. If it was working the first time around, I would have purchased 2 items.)
$88.23 in my cart. No discount showing. Going to press the buy button and hope I get the discount. If not, I expect a credit along with the others misled by this
It appears that you need to have only 1 item at a time in your cart for the 10% “In App” discount to correctly appear. I checked-out each item individually and that method worked, as expected.