Derby entry comments for Derby #154: Cities

Comments for individual derby entries are placed in this thread.

The trees and waterfall are the skyscrapers, the stream is the life of the city, and the cluster of animals is the population.

There are about 13 diffrent animals packed into the “city center”.

The first city I thought of was Paradise City by Guns N’ Roses.

Take me down
To the paradise city
Where the grass is green
And the girls are pretty
Take me home…

Now this song is stuck in your head too.

Love it - GMV!

Welcome to my city! And please enjoy your stay! :slight_smile:

[It’s pretty much the city of my dreams where everything is vibrant and whimsical, where buildings aren’t square and streets lead to nowhere, where it can fly to anywhere and decide how long the season lasts, and of course, populated by robots! Hahah! ]

It’s just one rainy day at the city…

Wow - the colors in this one are very pretty!

i prefer my cities with more pretty girls, and sliver of green grass for my dog to pee. o_O

I like the texture effect you’ve got on the water there.

I thought that perhaps the ratio might be off for the guys. Since I’m a girl, I like more green grass for dog peeing space and general frolicking :slight_smile:

Glows in the dark specialty ink could be used for the gold color.

Here it is, Remote City. I do not know if this represents my nickname for my coffee table or where they go when I cannot find them.

Hmmm, they don’t tend to let you have special options in the derby. I’d think you could mention it in the description to woot itself but having it on the image as an option has gotten things rejected before. =(

I like this though it looks very nice.

Love it! What color is this on though? Can’t really tell if it’s brown or asphalt.

Wow, awesome!

YAAAY! I loved this one so much when it was on Threadless. I gave it a $5 there, and I give it one here too! Want want want. So awesomely cute, Walz!

you might want to sub one right now without the gitd ink. woot will reject the gitd one, and then if they like it will give it an honorable mention anyway.

but if you want a serious entry, remove the gitd box. regardless of the “optional” tag, it’s still rejection fodder.

LOL this is a really cute idea.

It looks like asphalt on my monitor, and I would buy it in an instant!