I’m retired and physically disabled, so usually between 9-11. Today, however, was a bowling tourney… so 0545…now I’m going to take a nap.
Monte read my mind today.
Define today
And “get up”
Morning Miracle 4:50pm
Due to my Coke habit, I haven’t slept in days, maybe a week or more. I really need to get this under control!
Who is preparing these questions nowadays?. There’s no sense of humor, there is no slice of life, there is no sense of generating any meaningful interest.
Now that seems to be just a very pragmatic person who is preparing these very short, terse questions that belie a lack of any deep thought to them.
Geez almost 25% up before 6am, rough!
I salute bakesrs like you and your wife. I have known donut shop owners who get up at 2AM (older family members allowed to sleep in …until 4 AM). They all made sweatshop work seem pleasant.
No. I’m a night owl. Just didn’t go to bed. My day job is 8 to 5.
She doesn’t usually go to work until 8.
Glad you two have a rather humane lifestyle. The ones I knew had some family members up at at them 2 AM kneading dough. Others at 4AM doing the baking. Others at 5:30 selling to early birds. Closed at 9PM with 30 min clean up. Back up at 2AM…
The owner-slave driver …he purchased strategic land that a Bank of America later leased for a branch office.
Capitali$m. There’s money in donuts in a big city on a main street.
Into bed 3:10 a.m.
Up at 7:20 today.
Getting up would give the impression that I got down at some point.