[QUOTE=ign22401, post:56, topic:133953]
Just wanted to pass along my thanks to all that have bought this shirt or offered their words of support. Just a few thoughts to throw out there too:
This is a little design of mine that’s been scribbled over a bunch of high school and college notebooks for years. It’s nice to finally have it put to use.
I’m glad the sadness of the flower really came through, that was the intended look. It originally had a more perky, forget-me-not looking flower in there, but this struck me better for the effect and style I was going for. Especially with the bright colors contrasting the drab physical look of the flower. I hope others agree with my take.
Oh, and too girly??? Girls need shirts too; they can’t be all zombie pirates fighting robot dino-ninjas. And if you were secure enough, you’d wear it too
And as for this…
Yeah, I was expecting some of that. I actually signed the contract for this design on Dec 11th, well before ‘gent got struck by a similar muse. It’s just the nature of the derby entries that got it run first. I still think it’s different enough in style and concept to stand out, but I knew there’d be a large chunk of people who just plopped down $$ for his (since it’s soaked in utter awesomeness) and would feel a bit o’ design fatigue. Whaddaya gonna do though, right? Great minds think alike. Thanks again, and enjoy the shirt!
The sadness of the flower definitely got across to me…I felt sorry for the poor guy when I saw it! hehe
Sorry the timing of Watch it Grow resulted in it overshadowing this, but I think this will still sell well. Some people might get it because it looks similar, so it probably balances out!
P.S. - “will still sell well” sure is a tongue twister! O.o
I agree. Text shirts aren’t for me…even though I do find a few that are very witty and clever. I actually really like today’s design, but I haven’t purchased it (at least not yet.) I may change my mind later as I do love the green color. I did buy TG’s shirt, but this one is different enough to justify two purchases.
is there ever a shirt you don’t like? makes me sick…I’m waiting for a pink shirt with dog turds on it to come out and hear you tell the artist congrats and you love the placement of the turds…I’m gonna go throw up now from all the kindness…
I think more people should post positive comments regardless. Not sure if you’ve ever published something but it’s really nice to get positive, supportive comments, to offset the random throwaway criticism.
[QUOTE=davidbader, post:71, topic:133953]
is there ever a shirt you don’t like? makes me sick…I’m waiting for a pink shirt with dog turds on it to come out and hear you tell the artist congrats and you love the placement of the turds…I’m gonna go throw up now from all the kindness…
gee, I wonder if woot will suspend me again?
I tend to comment on what I like about the shirts. This is helpful to the artist and to others who may decide to submit designs to woot. Did I buy the shirt? No. I mentioned that I will likely save the money for a derby winner this week. But, given that there are more than enough people willing to say what they dislike about the shirt, it is also useful for a few people to comment on what they like. I know how much time it takes to create designs for woot and if I have something positive to say, I’ll let the artist know. Kindness … nice word.
And, there are definitely shirts that I don’t like. On these shirts, I may still congratulate the artist for getting their design printed, but that’s about it. If there’s something I like, I’ll let them know. But, if I don’t have something nice to say, I won’t post.
[QUOTE=klswoot, post:73, topic:133953]
I tend to comment on what I like about the shirts. This is helpful to the artist and to others who may decide to submit designs to woot. Did I buy the shirt? No. I mentioned that I will likely save the money for a derby winner this week. But, given that there are more than enough people willing to say what they dislike about the shirt, it is also useful for a few people to comment on what they like. I know how much time it takes to create designs for woot and if I have something positive to say, I’ll let the artist know. Kindness … nice word.
And, there are definitely shirts that I don’t like. On these shirts, I may still congratulate the artist for getting their design printed, but that’s about it. If there’s something I like, I’ll let them know. But, if I don’t have something nice to say, I won’t post.
Woot needs pink shirts.
well thats all good and dandy…but answer me this, if you go out to eat and the food is cold or undercooked with curlies on it, do you ask for the chef or server to come over so you can compliment them on the good things, and never even talk about the cold or undercooked food with short hairs? Always saying good things will never make the artist better.
It is my hope that, if I ever get printed in any way… as a shirt, as a book, as a CD, as an art print, as a film, whatever… that I don’t just get positive, supportive comments. I don’t want negative throwaway criticism either, but I would hope that people would analyze my work and say something worthwhile about it. I’d rather have one negative critique that does so honestly and tells me where they’re coming from than a million positives that just tell me someone likes it. A bad but thought-out critique will have the chance of influencing me, showing me what to improve, and giving me something to think about for next time. Throwing positive comments at something just to bolster one’s ego is as pointless as throwing insults without having anything to say.
That said, this design doesn’t speak to me, but it is far better than similar shirts I’ve seen on woot.
I really quite like this shirt and think the artist did an amazing job. I still don’t want one (at this point I think I have too many shirt.woots anyway).
I understand what you’re saying Adder. If I was personally asked to critique something I would give my positive and negative comments wholeheartedly. But, I don’t see that many of the daily artists/designers actually getting onto the forum and asking for critiques. So, if I have something negative to say, I’d rather keep that opinion to myself unless the artist asks me for my opinion directly. I’ve had several people write to me via a PM and I have given my honest assessment of their designs. Again, this is just my own personal preference about how I like to handle myself in a public forum. Others may have different opinions on how they want to express themselves.
i agree sort of. if you have a positive to say, then go ahead and say it. but if you’re just making it up, then that’s not right. on teh other hand, if you have something negative to say, balance it out with something that you DO like, also. by which i mean, don’t just say something negative, try to find SOMETHING that you can HONESTLY compliment it with. if there isn’t anything you like about the shirt, then say gently “it’s interesting, but not my style” or “i can see where some people may like it, but it’s not quite what i’m interested in” and what you don’t like about it or whatever along those lines that you do feel. basically, be courteous and not rude. i know if i had something printed, i wouldn’t want people to just say positive things if they didn’t mean them, i would like constructive criticism, but that would have to be CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, i don’t appreciate people bashing me just for the hell of it.
Honesty, I’d rather have a design that 50% of the people HATED and 50% loved, than one that 100% of the people were indifferent to. As long as you have that mindset, the empty negative comments are almost more welcome than the “oh, it’s sort of nice, congrats” comments.
Plus, I don’t think anyone bashes anybody “just for the hell of it”, I think they genuinely don’t like what they see and feel strongly enough to take the time and post that sentiment. In that light, you can’t really offer constructive criticism if you don’t like a design at all. I mean, saying, “well, if you replaced the flower with a robot and the roots with a chicken, and made them locked in a no-holds-barred deathmatch, then I’d totally buy three!” isn’t really any more helpful than just posting “this sucks”.
At the end of the day, as long as that other 50% is there, I’ll take the other guys with em
(Thanks for buying btw. Hope you enjoy the shirt!)