The toaster and coffee maker are both brand new!
wow, this gif version makes my head hurt trying to figure out what you got.
Looking forward to the MacBook Pro in mine
I received my Benign Outward Communication!
The goods:
Disposable masks
Air pods pro case cover
Simple skin cleansing wipes
Mini cardboard toilet paper rolls
Woot keychains
Composition notebook
Jewelry catch all trays
Mini portable bag sealer
3D butterfly decorations
Le Duo 360 airflow hair styler
A mystery tool with gloves (can someone id?)
And a designer $1,399 Crappi bag!
Ooooh I’ll bite first…Google lens says its a flexible hose clamp for a radiator
& I LOVE that bag!!!
Updated this post with the individual photos!
What’s in the Shanik box?
Little Used Toilet Paper Rolls, that’s a new one.
Really working that Box of Crap concept to it’s final evolution.
Well, I guess it could go a little further.
Seventeen years later, and I was finally able to order a BOC!
Yup, hose clamp pliers. Really useful if you have to remove a coolant line with a spring clamp in a tight spot.
BOC delivered!!! Here’s what was inside. When I saw the thin blue line flag i started giggling. bag of crap indeed.
Love the new bag lol
Whoever came up with the new bag design
Go ahead and breathe!
I’ll have something up tomorrow, but let’s say that I was disappointed with the crap, but not in the intended way!
Woot cheated you out of the cardboard toilet paper rolls.
Here is the MEGA BOC I was lucky enough to win a few weeks ago. Sorry I didn’t post sooner and that I dont have the list of items! I have a list of items written down somewhere and if I can find it, ill add!
Car visor FTW!