Short-Sleeve Men's T-Shirt – 5 Pack

Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - The price of today’s woot item is saved here for future reference

Short-Sleeve Men’s T-Shirt - 5 Pack
$7.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

Risk of getting any polyester kills this deal for me

Knowing Woot everyone will get that bright traffic cone orange shirt.

Hopefully this one is more “random” than the golf shirts …

Looks like a recently rejected derby entry.

my thoughts exactly!

Can someone please reassure me that shirt.woot isn’t dying?

Seriously??? Shirts???

If they were long sleeve Tee’s I would be all over it!

“We’ll pick the color and material. You’re lucky we’re letting you pick the size.” Thank you Amazon for ruining Woot. launch today?

thank you JUMBO WOOT!

Well this replaces the pile of T’s over the years that have shrunk or don’t fit any more or were funny things to wear to the bar.

Only a few other woot T’s remain in the pile after that cleanout. In for 3.

I take offense to the article below the deal, I hold down a perfectly fine job where I work in an office and can wear amusing shirts.

This is cheaper than I can get from Goodwill these days. I’m tempted to pick some up for t-shirt crafts. Or maybe I’ll go to yard sales.

Actually, this is a reprint:

If you want to contribute to flood relief drives in the warmer areas of the US, this isn’t a bad idea. Hopefully you can get 3 different sizes in the same 3X order …

Seems unlikely, I think that shirt.woot shirts are from american apparel?

i love polyester shirts.

it goes with the flow of my physique. i’m a bodybuilder, so it’s essentially some of the best kinds of shirts i can get.

in for 1.