Regret probably
The cat loves to provide that
Expect it again
Winning is more fun
Getting something for nothing
That is more funner
My only regret:
I gave the cat my address.
I think it was mine…
I regret nothing
Except all that has happened
Up until this point
If you start from here,
Is the only place to go
Upward and onward?
So long as no one
Gives me a shovel to dig
A much deeper hole
A shovel is good
To channel a deep, dark hole.
Better than a foot.
This is very true
If not just a tad morbid
Foot makes smaller hole
Shovels are ideal
Best tool ever invented
Some say ground breaking
A shovel is good f-bounce:
To channel a deep, dark hole. f-float:
Better than a foot. f-wobble:
(Sorry, dude, it needed emojis.)
Are repeat haiku
Still counted towards the total?
I believe they should.
Integers do count
Usually by adding one
So, I say they count
Add one integer
Or divide it by zero?
I can’t math right now.
Post # 666 (the devil’s haiku)
Post # 999 (the devil’s haiku, but upside down)
looks like @daveinwarshington and @Queen89 are the weeners poet laureates
PM me for a free crap
next milestone is 10000 haikus then 5 more free BOCs are unlocked
Penguins grip the reins,
purple dragons pierce the clouds,
frost and flame entwined.
So many poems f-wobble:
That will take forever, dude f-spin:
I see what you’ve done f-spin:
Penguins waddle close,
tongues taste winter’s sweetest chill,
melting joy on beaks.
Penguins peck the leaves,
oregano’s scent drifts high,
spice meets polar chill.
“Congrats” to “winners” f-bounce:
Of the vaunted BOC f-wobble:
Free disappointment! f-wobble: