It is so time consuming to have to sift through all the items to see if what I’m looking for is on sale.
It makes sense once you see the origin of their servers.
You can search the forums, which will show almost everything that has a topic.
Some 3rd party sites are available as well. I’m partial to
There’s and too.
They’re all 3rd party searches. Google works great for Amazon too.
Oh right I remember Amazon has a search “tool”
Me: “Amazon, show me shoes”
Amazon: “Here’s some horses”
They just moved how you navigate to your saved items list. It’s a birch.
why has no one ever thought of this?
Because in typical Woot Computer Dept astounding attention to detail fashion this is what they got when ordered their server upgrade
Sometimes there are power surges
Sure, but how do you tell which fire is the lightning fire and which fire is the boc-pocalypse fire…
I would like a search function also!
Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before??!!
Woot is run on a tight budget by the Amazon Overlords. Most of the budget is allocated to feeding the squirrels, hamsters, and rats that keep the servers running.
The main page is a quick overview of new products listed on Woot. You can search by any word in the product title. Just know that product titles are weird around here, a lot of the time.
You can also list all Woot products listed by newest first. Search by category, and set up a Wish List. The guy that developed the page and app is open to feedback and suggestions. @anakmetal
Good luck and Happy Wooting.
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