Apple iPod Touch (6th Gen) (S&D)

Apple iPod Touch (6th Gen) (S&D)

Is there anyway to use this without itunes for someone who isn’t tech savvy?

I have bought generic players before and hated them. Years ago I bought, owned, and spent an enormous amount of money on a Zune. When MS stopped supporting Zune I lost access to thousands of dollars worth of music.

I now just buy CD’s and would like to back them up unto a quality player.

Should not have said “back them up”.

I would like a device that isn’t a phone which I can play some music, take some decent pictures, play a few games, and maybe read a book but I don’t want to use itunes or whatever their stores are.

I guess it sounds like I don’t want an ipod however, from everything I have read, over the years it’s still the best device on the market for all of those things.

I guess, based on the none replies, maybe the answer is no? Yes? :sweat_smile:

I’d say that this meets your needs.

The iPod touch from Apple has now reached its 6th generation, offering a music player, video camera, pocket computer, and portable gaming device

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Actually think I will pass on this. Everything I read tells me I need apple itunes, apple store, apple apps, apples, apples, apples. Seems like I could bypass this with many hours of files conversions, jailbreak, and goobering around with the device.

Probably not for me.

Dammit. I bought one.

Not sure what to expect but worse case is I shoot it with my .45. :crazy_face:

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This is one of those cases where the product was up for to long. Gave me time to perform the rare feat of a slow impulse buy.

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Just so you know. I still have an old iPod 5 and it works well. You I do have a Mac and iTune, but almost all of my music comes from my collection of CDs that I ripped to MP3 with iTunes. My girlfriend has iTunes on her Windows computer and has an old iPod Nano.

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