Comfort Research 5-Foot King Fuf Chair

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Comfort Research 5-Foot King Fuf Chair
$119.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

Whelp… Here we go again on another 3hour slow selling product.

YAY they are cone, no more glovesssssssss

Really? Bean bags?!?!?! I thought they left those in the 70’s.

Oh, FUF!
Sit on it!

No Band Of Carpathians!

Hope there is just 1

Oh look! Giant marshmallow plushies! They’re pricey because they’re so awesome. Buy some please :slight_smile:

1 would buy them if they were 19.99 but 119. fck off woot off. what did ever happen to deals. oh yeah i remember, Amazon bought them.

I’d like to see them fit one of these in a Bag of crap.

Wow this is terriable…

After research. Appears to be just another brand of the MovieSac… Which is AMAZING. I have the LoveSac and would kill over it.

What the FUF is this?

Most expensive and extensively researched (apparently) bean-bag chair I’ve ever seen! And it’s not even filled with styrofoam beans!

It’s not just a bean bag (they call them “foofs” now. I agree, kinda stupid). It’s a $120 bean bag.

I remember my mom got me one back in the eighties. If I remember correctly it cost somewhere around $8 back then. Yeah.

Dear Woot,
You kill me.
The end.

SAYL Chair by Herman Miller is more comfortable.

We did bean bags already… grrrr

Neither color accentuates my huge butt. If they only had a peach colored one…

Yeah ok, but these things really are the most comfortable things ever. If you have two or three of them you’ll perpetually have hippie friends in your living room. I know, I was one of them.