New 24 hour deal site

Found a new 24 hour deal site for all the deal seekers out there.

{Spam link removed}

Cool ad up right now

//sets fire to stupid link

(Boy, these folks just don’t learn!!!)

They look like a new site…I just came across it on google. Haven’t been a deal seeker long. I always just paid retail. haha

Read the rules . . . woot doesn’t cotton to competitor links in their forums . . .

Yes I just seen that after I read your reply. I’m new sorry, I just seen everything else but woot and thought this is where people talk about things like this. Haven’t been a wooter long enough…Sorry

It’s okay…now ya’ know.

Though you now seem aware that this type of posting is a violation, please take the time to read the “What is woot” (click here) (It’s a very funny read; not your standard FAQ.), at the top of the page and familiarize yourself with the rules…specifically “What is not allowed in the community?” (click here)

Also, in the News Forum, Jason Toon’s “Noise Reduction” thread (click here) will give it to you straight.

The community rules apply to ALL forums.
