None of the listings that posted at midnight tonight (T/W) seem to have the discussion thread available
Yep, a couple of us VMods have poked staff already.
Oh, first it was the OLED, now they're after EVERYTHING
I thimk you officially caught (and posted about) it first. I believe there is a ribbon or something.
What’s the over/under on how many new threads are created on this topic?
@therealjrn was first.
Thanks for letting us know! Contacted our devs in the hopes this gets fixed soon.
Of course as soon as TT’s gone, the site finally kicks the bucket.
It’s moar fun this way. We can reach waaaaay back and rehash everything!!
Many April 1s ago, Woot sold a bag of crap for $1,000,001 per crap + $5 shipping – and some folks forgot to use the coupon …
My though – damn, whose card has that high of a credit limit and why would they be shopping at Woot?
Wouldn’t I technically be the first one to report it “correctly” as I posted it in the right category for Woot staff issues
Tbh I couldn’t careless unless of course there is a badge
Remember when this absolute travesty of an e-commerce site used to sell one item a day? I bet they couldn’t even sell one of every item today.
Technically, one item a day was already over when the subsites like wine (grocery & household), shirt, and sellout (clearance) started. I don’t recall when moofi started, but I believe it was later.
I haven’t been able to log into deals.woot in ages!
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