:w_boc: Share your 2023 Craps Here!

This is my BOC win from the June Woot! Forums Leaderboard!

Red When life gives you crap bag (score!)
The coveted Piggy BOC (another score!)
Loose in bag headphones with charging cable (charged up & seem to work)
Random wall charger (no specs)
3 in 1 charger for Apple products (given to bro, android house here)
Glass screen protectors (can’t use will donate)
Smart watch (generic brand, but will gift)
Wiggly eyes (yes!)
Twin waterproof mattress protector (can use)

All in all it was a great boc.

Thank you @ThunderThighs and thank you Woot for the great opportunity.

Congrats again to the other winners!
And good luck to the future winners!