Why no Paypal?

There have been several times when I have passed on purchasing an item (all over $100) because you don’t accept Paypal. Is there a reason for this?


I have the same opinion. Why no Pay Pal? I almost did not purchase from you because I trust going through Pal Pal. I will possibly NOT purchase again until you start using that as a payment option. Thank you.


I’m not sure what to tell you guys, but I have paypal as my preferred payment method on my woot account, and have for a long time. Has this maybe been removed for newer users?

or you get the paypal debit card and use it.

Something really bad happened once with PayPal and they removed it from being added as a payment option. Ive never seen what the really bad thing was and we likely never will.

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The second you change to another payment method…pffft…paypal is gone. Never to come back.


Oh, so they prefer credit card payments then?

Credit card, or using an Amazon account and paying with Amazon. We’re an Amazon subsidiary and Uncle Jeff has a pretty solid payment system running over there.

Agree. Had to pass on a Microsoft Surface today because I only use PayPal on big purchases now.

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I second the opinions, I only shop PayPal online. Woot, listen to your customers! I have used Woot in the past, but I can’t until PayPal comes back…

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Sorry but PayPal won’t be coming back. They do have a debit card though, I believe.

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Obviously, you have not been screwed by Paypal…many have. Good luck!

PayPal does have a debit card, but it doesn’t apply to PayPal Credit, which is how I purchase online. I’m sorry to say that I’m not likely to purchase from Woot again since they’ve decided to abandon reason and exclude one of the most popular money transfer systems in the world.

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My two cents: You can use the PayPal debit or credit cards. These shouldn’t be confused with PayPal Credit, which allows you to pay, and without interest, the total over a period of six months. And I agree, this would be especially useful for those who would like to spread payments over a period of time, manage their debt better, and increase the amount they can spend. Woot/Amazon is only hurting itself by not accepting this payment method. I can only guess that it is connected to the fact that PayPal and eBay have long been directly connected (an arrangement scheduled to end in 2020, which may be why PayPal started offering their own brand of credit card), and Amazon and eBay are direct competitors. You will also remember that for a while you couldn’t buy Google Home products on Amazon, and for a long time, PayPal was the only payment method accepted on eBay, whereas now you can use any major credit card.

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I love that “Uncle Jeff” has achieved Woot Staff status.

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$180.00 in cart, No paypal credit no purchase, sad times.

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Ahhhhhh more stuff for me!

PayPal has gone downhill. If anyone is still using it for ebay make sure you check your account. It’s taking the tax separate and not showing it in the “final” amount. Or maybe that’s a bug and everyone is different. I cut out the middle man aka PayPal and pay directly with my card. Amazon pay is also fine. It’s not giving me separate invoices.

I was just looking at my Woot account, which was setup with PayPal.

The billing/shipping address was wrong (we’ve moved).

I kept editing it. The last step was always being sent to PayPal’s website to verify it, or something.

Then I would get re-directed back to Woot… and notice that my billing/shipping address had been reverted back to the wrong one.

Tried again. Same thing.

“Well,” I thought, “No problem,” I said, “I’ll just remove that old information and re-add it with the correct information. It’s not as if they used to take PayPal but don’t anymore and maybe won’t let me update my address if I have PayPal selected as a payment source."

Ok so I didn’t actually think that last sentence… but I guess I should have!

The reason that I wanted to use PayPal was because I have PayPal Credit (not the credit card, their interest-free payment system) which I tend to use if I’m making a larger purchase, so I can spread it out into payments.

Not that I think it’ll matter to anyone @ Woot, but I did feel like I at least wanted to say that it felt more than a little underhanded. What felt like a glitch in the website, at the time, now feels like a way for them to get people to disconnect from PayPal, and ooops! now you have to give us your credit card information.

I have my Amazon account linked, but there’s no option to set Amazon as my payment system either.

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Because Amazon doesn’t accept Paypal and they own woot?

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@luomat, @Wooter233620836, I’m sorry to hear about the trouble. I don’t use PayPal so I can’t help directly with that. But your info popups suggest you both might be relatively new. Many of us have been around woot for a long time - I can attest that it’s legit, it’s the bee’s knees.

I trust woot with my credit card info, but if you’re weary about that you can use Amazon payments. I don’t know if Amazon can be set up with PayPal but if you don’t want them to retain credit card info I believe you can fund your Amazon account with Amazon gift cards.

Best wishes!