You find some old sour cream in the fridge, and you can't see the expiration date. There's no mold, but it smells a little bit ripe. You really want it for your baked potato. What do you do?
Toss it and grab the butter.
Skip and add more bacon.
Okay, so, how much mystery sour cream “fell off a truck” somewhere that you have to probe your customers with a sus poll like this to determine if putting it up for a sale here is worth the potential liability?
Be honest.
Like my momma always says, “when it doubt, throw it out”
Will the sour cream taste as good as the food they’re going to give you in the ER ?
Forget it. Get a sweet potato and leftover Texas Roadhouse cinnamon butter.
It’s not worth trying it. Just get another container
If it smells bad don’t eat it.
I absolutely DESPISE sour cream, but…
Sour cream is already sour. It’s right there in the name! If there is no mold on it, it’s fine. That’s not an “expiration” date. It’s a “BEST BY” date. Eat it and quit acting like a child turning their nose up at broccoli. It’s not going to magically go bad at midnight on it’s Best By Date.
I would throw it out and then go buy some security cameras, because I sure as heck wasn’t the one who put that in my fridge.
I would, except if it smelled bad…yuck! So, in that case, I’d go digging for a tub of plain yogurt in the fridge it’s not moldy in the middle.
If it’s truly bad, your body will get rid of it for you.
I don’t eat baked potatoes, and don’t like sour cream. However, with my background in the food industry, and my concerns about food safety, toss it.
I’d just give some to my wife to test it. And before everyone gets all horrified:
Once I was going to make myself a sandwich, but I noticed some mold on the bread. So I threw it in the trash. Later that evening I realized the bread bag was empty in the trash can, so I asked my wife what happened to it. She proceeded to give me a lecture about throwing away perfectly good food and how it was wasteful. I told her it was moldy, and asked her again where it was. She got a funny look on her face and told me that she had made a sandwich with it and eaten it, and denied it was moldy. I told her that I know what mold looks like, and even if it wasn’t the bread was still in the trash. She never got sick, but to this day I still razz her about eating out of the trash and having a stomach like a goat. So I know she’d survive extra sour sour cream.