WHAT IS THIS? This is where I ask people to post things, and then I send random post numbers something from my desk drawer. Each 1,000 post milestone reached before Saturday, 5/29/21 at 11:59pm CT opens up another random winner. Here’s how it went down last time.
Live shot of my desk:
What will you get? Could be a mustard packet. Could be a staple remover. Could be a pair of socks. Could be a laptop. Could be a random piece of ancient Woot! paraphernalia. Remember, there is absolutely no guarantee you’re gonna get anything good, so gird your loins and shut your mouth.
Also, I don’t care how many times you post, or what you post. But maybe tell some friends to post, so we get new people too?I’ll list the “winners” by mid-day on 5/30/21. Happy shitposting!
UPDATE 5/30/21 at 12:00pm CT: What is WRONG with you people.
39K+ “official” weiners, so I rounded up to 40, plus one more bonus weiner. HERE ARE THE WEINERS:
398 @netMASA
1969 @Ginnyill
2665 @Se7enty9
3773 @oheck
4320 @chrisykincaid
5555 @FrostByte
6092 @Wooter167677922
7429 @offmycloud18
8875 @wootdamn
9962 @mullog5
10581 @privateerx1
11029 @cjclaussen
12322 @hoffmanbike
13566 @nathanwhat
14387 @mbspell
15573 @Wooter805712026
16133 @coderunner02
17420 @pepper114
18615 @pricklycat
19046 @dafrogman
20919 @renatuslives
21047 @Wooter772326458
22127 @nspede
23380 @ashleyheart
24623 @shwaggyd
25988 @bchlor4evr
26469 @jniemeier
27262 @StefanMakaSL1MSTEF
28856 @MuchToMyChagrin
29646 @gemi27ss
30967 @Bethanos
31844 @digitaljanitor
32853 @Wooter609214317
33258 @Williamdavi
34914 @Brove2016
35471 @badramen
36749 @fimbrethil
37172 @kinglowrider
38043 @Wooter232418142
39178 @WooterWootsWendy
40007 @Froodyfrog
Bonus “I fought the law and the law won” weiner: @eidsoncr
IF YOU ARE MENTIONED ABOVE, PLEASE DM ME YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS SO I CAN SEND YOU SOMETHING. These were picked using the random function on Excel. As always, a tremendous coincidence that nobody was picked twice and WootyBot wasn’t picked at all. Wow.
Things will probably go out in the mail within a week, and they will ship SLOW. Once you get something, come back to the end of thread #3 to post your garbage!